The fourth meeting in Prague, Czech Republic April 19-20, 2012

One week before the meeting in the Czech Republic project partners familiarized with the methodological material prepared in accordance with the generally agreed guidelines during the last meeting in Cyprus. It was decided that the material and the volume of information is sufficient for the preparation of the complete form of the methodology and the final version should not differ too much (despite minimal adjustment) from the previously supplied material.

Hungarian partners Nevelok Haza Egyesulet developed a Power Point presentation “Integration of convicts in Hungary over the past few decades”. The report discussed the rising crime statistics, a growing number of young offenders, the situation in the field of adult education, as well as cultural aspects, leisure,etc. And programs for the ex-prisoners that are currently lacking public funding.

A social project „Knowledge-Value-Experience“ funded by European Social Fund and implemented in the Czech Republic was also presented along with its social integration program for young ex-convicts and mentoring solutions that were adopted during the project implementation period. Partners had the opportunity to compare the social programs that are applied in each of the participating countries and discuss their effectiveness.

Before the meeting, in the initiative of the Czech Republic partners, Workshop and seminar on the DEPILM topic in the Czech Senate of the Parliament was organized. During the partners meeting Unie katolických žen, o.s. presented the results of the event to the rest of the partners.

During the meeting partners had a chance to visit a unique place – Sisters of Charles de Boromeo home for the elderly, that has previously convicted female employees in its staff (you will find more information about Sisters of Charles de Boromeo in the brochure below (English language)).

The Czech partners organized a cultural program for their guests during which, participants had the opportunity to enjoy the historical views Prague, to know the Czech culture, history and traditional cuisine.

During the meeting it was decided that a meeting in Pecs (Hungary) should take place on the 27th-28th of June, 2012.

Lankstinukas Sisters Charles de Boromeo 1
Lankstinukas Sisters Charles de Boromeo 2