
The project aims to share good practice among participating partners from Lithuania, Cyprus, Geek, Czech, Nederland, and Hungary through workshops, electronic connections and information placements on the web-site. The project will cooperate closely with NGOs, local communities, State institutions, government agencies. With this it will ensure both the understanding of the need of the target groups as well as the dissemination of the results and products. The working language will be English so some participants will improve their language skills though language training. A wider audience of learners is involved in the process of the project lifecycle using multiple methods. The evolution of the project story will be filmed and made available as part of the final training material

The first stage consists of introductions of participants, interchanges of project staff, accomplishing of researches, collecting and summarizing of material about each participating country’s situation of senior and elderly people in society: social, demographical, medical aspects, voluntary activity.

The second stage will consist of the interchange of learners and distribution of good experience. During this phase the modules for the palliative care will be prepared.

The third stage will involve the senior volunteers in the active learning process, through simulation, testing and evaluation of the learning material. The final product consisting of (a) Training courses (b) Good practices and examples and (c) The evolution of the project development story will be published in paper brochure and CD-ROM format.