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All communication and dissemination will find place by the internet! E-mail addresses will be collected not only from the participating organisations, but also from other relevant organisations, the local community and the lifelong learning community. Every partner will contribute to the total list of e-mail addresses. By e-mail all organisations and individuals will be invited to visit the chat -room communication platform to be informed about the progress and the results of the project.

The products of the project can be transfered to other reference group as follows:

1.    The products of the project and media-lessons can be transferred to the State Organisations (Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Social Welfare, State Agency for Children Protection etc.), NGOs as well as other sub-groups.

2.    To maintain close links with the other strands of the system in order to ensure a certain congruence of approach, the expertise of the training process will be discussed with the representatives from some municipalities, which have an interest in this field. It is clear that a much intensified campaign for the continual and regular dissemination of information and results must be provided to other groups– leaflets and brochures, TV presentations etc.

3.    The project management will not be limited to a traditional top-down model of dissemination through publications, final meeting, and information packages for non-project institutions, but also will aim at stimulating horizontal dissemination at participants’ level.

4.    The dissemination strategy will be oriented in several directions, related to the socio-professional groups to which the project is addressed. Thus, partners will develop dissemination strategies in the following directions:

G1:    the great mass of the citizens from the region, in which partners are acting and functioning, in order to point out the community interest in developing the similar infrastructure in different countries and also in upgrading its value to European values.

G2:    the socio-professional group of the staff, with regard to their familiarization with the strategies for work with respective target groups.

G3:    the socio-professional group of the administrators, with the aim to make them conscious of the acute needs of reforming the administering of the services and activities.

G4:    the socio-professional group of the policy makers (Parliament, Ministries, local authorities etc) with the aim to motivate the legislative initiatives as to facilitate Europeanization.

The dissemination will be implemented on a transnational level in all participating countries by the partners towards organisations of common scope and more over the results will be discussed on a wider transnational basis trough the valorisation questionnaire that will be submitted for compilation by every single direct or indirect involved in the project development.


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